

India's first ever people's choice awards. Hottest Startups will identify, showcase and support the highest-potential young companies in India.The TATA NEN Hottest Startup Awards are a result of the combined efforts of TATA, a rapidly growing business group in India with significant international operations, and the National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN), a non-profit organization, and India's leader in entrepreneurship education.There are a lot of startups in various fields ranging from finance to IT and from different areas nominated.The current topper in the nominees is the loot by jay Gupta

click here to find the current top 20 startups

Criteria for startups to be eligible

The startup must be:

  • A registered business (not an idea or plan)
  • Headquartered in India
  • 5 years or younger (founded in 2003 or after)
  • Independent business - not subdivision
People are invited nominate hot startups. Each nomination will be reviewed and rated by two expert judges. The number of public votes and experts' ratings together determines the 30 shortlisted startups. The 30 shortlisted startups then campaign for votes in the final round. Ultimately, the five companies from the shortlist with the most final-round votes become the 5 TATA NEN Hottest Startups 2008 Winners.

click here to visit home page

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